Home Plumbing & Drain DIY Tips
The most annoying thing about most plumbing and Drain cleaning columbia problems is that you don’t see them coming. Suddenly, and seemingly from nowhere, they just appear. And there you are, left wondering how to get things under control and back to normal.
Here are a few tips designed to help you take prompt, decisive action to stem the tide before a licensed plumber arrives on the scene.Drain cleaning columbia
Keep an eye out for water leaks.
Even small leaks can lead to big problems. Be alert for signs that more trouble might be headed your way: leaking faucets, damp cabinets, rocking toilets, and dripping refrigerators – these and similar warning signs should not be ignored.
Repair problems early.
A leaking faucet isn’t just annoying; the moisture it releases adds wear and tear to sink fixtures and can encourage mold and mildew growth. Water also can leak from the water line connection behind your refrigerator and, unless you pull it away from the wall periodically, you might not be aware of a leak before collateral damage occurs. That includes damage to your sub-flooring, an electrical short, or water stains on the ceiling below.
Know how to respond to plumbing overflows.
If water is gushing from your sink, toilet, or anywhere else, locate your main water shut-off valve. Even better, locate it in advance and familiarize yourself on how to fully shut it off and turn it back on.
Locate your sewer shut-off valve.
Your sewer shutoff valve exists to minimize damage from an overflowing toilet. Find it, learn how to use it, and you’ll save yourself a lot of grief should the need arise.
Prevent future clogging.
Blocked drains and toilets are more than annoying. Backed-up water puts added pressure on wastepipes, stressing them and shortening their lifespan. You can help avoid clogs by keeping foreign matter out of your drains and toilets. That means no food scraps, cigarette butts, paper towels, liquid fat and grease, and all the rest.
Follow these simple steps and, at the least, you’ll prevent matters from getting worse. If it’s a problem you can’t fully resolve on your own, contact Best Choice Plumbers for all the help you need. You also can depend on a guaranteed price quote plus our customer satisfaction guarantee.